Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Birthright Citizenship

Since the new law implemented in Arizona, it seems that illegal immigration has transformed into a popular national issue. Recently, there have been plenty of arguments both for and against ending birthright citizenship in the U.S. Experts have argued that birthright citizenship costs the United States large amounts of money due to the eligibility of welfare benefits. Along with that, the parents of the United States born citizen are not easily deported because of the child that would stay in the U.S., and would require care. Counter arguments feel abolishment of birthright citizenship is racist and unconstitutional. Furthermore, studies have found that doing away with the amendment would actually increase the amount of undocumented immigrants rather than reducing it. This is mostly due to undocumented immigrants have more children that are undocumented as well. This article featured in The New York Times provides a unique way of solving the argument of birthright citizenship in a way that would make both sides happy.

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