Monday, November 8, 2010


In Briana Zak's article, Food Stamps Getting the Boot, she explains the possibility of future cuts to our nations Food Stamp program. Furthermore, Briana goes on to explain the negative effects this would have on the country and why. Briana is a fellow Government student who created the editorial for a class assignment; her intended audience included her fellow classmates as well as professors. With that said, Briana researched the topic at hand thoroughly and presents the reasons for the possible cuts. She represents both sides of the argument of supporting or not supporting the cuts, while integrating her opinion on the subject throughout the article. Ms. Zak supports her opinion by touching base on the current state of the economy as well as the now average for food assistance pay out vs. the cost of food.

Ms. Zak's article explains that cutting the Food Stamp program would only create bigger problems in the long run because it would take away from much needed supplies for some families. I agree with the author's argument. Taking away from funding that is already scarce will only traumatize the families in need of food. While we may be saving some state jobs now there is still the existing threat that those jobs may still be lost due to the recession in the job market.

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